In Memory of my mom,
Judith A. Patterson who passed away at age 51 from A.L.S. (Lou Gehrig's Disease) on
Aug. 2, 1999
For the strength, integrity, and courage that you showed me everyday. For the opportunity to spend everyday with you and to see you smile. Thank you for supporting my dreams and for teaching me dignity. I will love and miss you for all my days.
Your loving daughter, Leela (Lou Lou Belle)
 Most Importantly,
To all of the families who are taking care of a loved one, past, present or future. Make all the memories you can and remember the good times. For all the people who have lived with
Lou Gehrig's Disease,

You hold a very special place in my heart.
I honor all of you!!
 To my husband, Scott,  for your encouragement,
love and support.
Thank you for stepping up to the plate a million times over. Thank you for holding my hand and letting me spread my wings. Thank you for never giving up on me and thank you for being the "Keeper of My Stars"
I will love you now and forever.
Love, your wife Leela

to my oldest daughter,
For being my Angel.
Keep your compassionate heart,
unselfish ways and your spirit.
Thank you for supporting my dream, I will forever cherish you.
Thank you for being by my side and for being my greatest strength.
All my Love forever
Love  Mommy
To my son,
You are my Spirit.
You have opened my eyes to new adventures with your creativity and passion for the things you believe in.
Keep  your imagination close, you will one day be
a great asset to the world.
All of my love forever,
Love,  Mommy
To my youngest daughter,
You are the soul of my existence.
You have an amazing sight for the future, you always see the best in everyone, and take life as a whole. Keep your sense of humor, your million faces, and the ability to bring a smile to people.
You will do great things.
All of my love,
Love, Mommy

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